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Shop Bamboo Furniture

Bamboo furniture is THE green solution for your home. Check out our INFOGRAPHIC for 8 amazing facts about bamboo, and then shop our modern styles. We have everything you need: from bamboo bedroom furniture to stunning bamboo dining tables and chairs.

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8 Amazing Facts About Modern Bamboo Furniture

Can we be honest with you?

Sometimes we cheat. We're 100% on-board with being eco-friendly, committing to living cleaner and greener. But our love of modern furniture requires some small level of... Let's call it compromise. Not like watering-your-lawn-in-Arizona-compromise. More like using plastic utensils for your kid's party.

Sometimes we buy new instead of vintage. Some of our coolest products have small environmental costs associated with them. We know it.

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We're guessing you share the same burden. But what if you could find modern furniture that was truly "green"? Maybe transform your bedroom with a bamboo bed...

It turns out we have the perfect solution! And it's not your grandma's vintage bamboo furniture! Shop our collection from GreeningtonModern bedroom, dining and office furniture made from solid bamboo offers you the style and lines you love, without cheating on your principles.

Check Out These 8 Amazing Facts You'll Love About our Modern Bamboo Furniture

1. Bamboo is 20-100% harder than Red Oak!

We've all got that heirloom piece of furniture from back in the day. You know? It looks like it was carved by Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox from an Oak tree as wide as the Mississippi. Back when they just made things "better." It turns out Bamboo is better than "better." How about that?!?

2. Bamboo is a grass

We know you know that. But did you know that, like St. Augustine grass, every bamboo stalk is connected to the next by underground runners? This connectivity means that each bamboo shoot is a clone of the next, sort of like conjoined twins... In fact, acres and acres of one bamboo grove could be just one individual plant!

As an added bonus, because bamboo stalks are grass, they can be harvested over and over again, without planting new trees. The Moso bamboo stalks used in our furniture are harvested by hand and cut to preserve the trees, roots and eco-systems themselves. This ensures the same bamboo stands remain healthy, green and productive.

3. Bamboo is incredibly strong.

If you've ever planted bamboo in your yard, you know it's incredibly difficult to contain. According to the University of Wisconsin1, mature bamboo is strong enough to push through concrete slabs and even metal planters. Imagine that in your dining chairs! It's also one of the main reasons bamboo is better than rattan furniture.

4. Bamboo can grow more than 36" a day!

You might have heard this one too. It's true. Bamboo produces new cells underground, and then fills the cells with water. The result is growth that you could actually observe (which still sounds kind of boring).

5. Our manufacturer uses 100% of the bamboo.

Seriously. Even the sawdust is used to fuel the kilns and press machines!

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6. Bamboo is a Super Sequesterer

No, not like when Congress can't commit to compromise, and just axes the budget for everything. We're talking carbon sequestration. Bamboo is one of the best plants on earth at sequestering carbon, while producing 35% more oxygen than equivalent stands.

Aside from vintage bamboo furniture, these new designs are as eco-friendly as you can get!

7. Bamboo grows 80% faster than other hardwoods

Ok, you caught us. Bamboo isn't technically a hardwood. Hardgrass? Is that a thing? Moving on. A walnut tree takes 40 years to mature. Oak? 70 years. Bamboo matures in just 5 years! As one MIT researcher noted2, "One of the impressive things is how fast bamboo grows. If you planted a pine forest versus a bamboo forest, you would find you can grow far more bamboo, and faster."

8. Bamboo is one of earth's most sustainable hardwoods

According to the University of Wisconsin3, "Bamboo's circular structure makes it stronger than a similar weight of other woods, and for centuries it has been used as a construction material for houses, flooring and furniture. Because it grows quickly and in poor soils, without much care or chemicals, it is touted as a 'green' wood and earns LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification points for sustainable building."

The Types of Bamboo Furniture

As you can see above, we carry a variety of bamboo furniture for nearly every room in your home! Unlike your typical vintage bamboo furniture or rattan furniture, which was limited mainly to chairs, our collection boasts bamboo designs from chairs to chests of drawers.

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Let's start in the bedroom!

Making the best use of a durable material like bamboo, it's sort of a no-brainer to start in the bedroom!

As you can see with each bamboo bed frame, just because it's 'bamboo furniture,' doesn't mean it has to look like the vintage bamboo furniture you saw at your grandparents.

Our collection of beds and dressers uses the bamboo in inventive ways, creating colors and finishes you'd expect in modern furniture. Take our Park Avenue collection: the bamboo is used to create an MDF-like substrate that's incredibly strong and versatile. As you'll see, it accents the lines and fabric headboards of the bed perfectly!

From platform beds to dressers, chests and drawers, you don't have to sacrifice upscale decor or style to complete your bedroom!

Dining Room

Starting with the dining room, we offer stunning dining tables and dining chairs. Given bamboo's durable structure , it is the perfect complement for your dining space. Whether you need a small bistro table, or larger extension dining table for your dining room, the collection above will more than suit your needs!

We even offer storage options and sideboard cabinets, perfect for creating the clean and simple dining room you've always dreamed of!

Living Room

It's a little tougher to integrate bamboo furniture into the living room. Let's face it -- your sofa is the focal point, so bamboo can't be front and center!

Nevertheless, we've got you covered. Whether you're shopping for the perfect durable TV stand, coffee table, bench, and side table, our collection is sure to give your space the wood look you crave, with the upside of bamboo. Place a coffee table in front of your sofa, or even add a bamboo sofa table to your entry.

You might also consider the stunning bamboo accent chairs. Whatever you're shopping for, we've got you, boo.


From cool desks to shelves, we've got solutions for every space!

How to Choose the Right Bamboo Furniture

Bamboo furniture is becoming a popular choice for many homeowners and office workers alike. But a simple internet search will turn up everything from Craigslist vintage bamboo furniture to rattan designs.

Since our bamboo furniture has a modern look and feel, and it's made from a sustainable resource, the choice is pretty easy. Here's how to integrate bamboo furniture into your home and office.

When choosing bamboo furniture, it is important to consider the style and color of the piece. Bamboo furniture is available in a variety of styles, including chairs, tables, desks, and dressers. It is also available in a variety of colors. Some simulate wood, while others strike a classic "bamboo" look. Regardless, you can find the perfect piece to match your decor.

It is also important to consider the size of the piece. Bamboo furniture is available in a variety of sizes, so measure your space to find the perfect piece for your home or office.

Finally, it is important to consider the price of the piece. Bamboo furniture is affordable, and it is a sustainable resource. This makes bamboo furniture a popular choice for many homeowners and interior designers alike.

How to Care for Bamboo Furniture

Care for bamboo furniture is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Wipe down the furniture with a damp cloth regularly to remove dust and dirt.

  2. Apply a light coat of oil or sealant to the furniture once a year to protect it from moisture and scratches.

  3. Place the furniture in a sunny spot if possible, as this will help it to dry quickly if it gets wet.

Rattan Furniture vs Bamboo Furniture

New or vintage bamboo furniture is a great option for those looking for a modern, sustainable furniture choice. Rattan furniture is another great sustainable option. Unlike bamboo, rattan is a type of vine that grows in the rainforest. Rattan is a strong, sturdy material that can be used to create furniture that will last for many years.

Like bamboo, there are many different types of rattan furniture to choose from. You can find chairs, sofas, tables, and more made from rattan. Rattan is also very affordable, so it's a great choice for those on a budget.

If you're looking for an alternate sustainable, affordable furniture option, consider rattan. It's sure to add style and functionality to your home or office.

With all of that said, rattan has a few downsides. Primarily, it's much more flexible than bamboo. That's not always bad - lots of vintage bamboo furniture is based on curves. (Anyone else remember those weird circular chairs you'd see at Pier 1?) Nevertheless, it does limit the options with rattan.

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As you can see, we're not offering up vintage bamboo furniture by any stretch of the imagination! And we're not compromising on style, like you might with rattan!

Whether you're shopping for wood chairs, or beds with exotic finishes, you can rest assured this is the best quality, organic bamboo furniture out there!

So buy that new Tesla. Add solar to your home. Bike to work. No, actually, drive your Tesla to work! And when it comes time to update your furniture, remember that you don't have to compromise anymore. Make the green choice with our selection of modern bamboo furniture.

1 - University of Wisconsin
2 - MIT Babmboo Research
3 - University of Wisconsin



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